Forrest Jacobs

Keeping NixOS systems up to date with GitHub Actions

Keeping my NixOS servers up to date was dead simple before I switched to flakes – I enabled system.autoUpgrade, and I was good to go. Trying the same with a shared flakes-based config introduced a few problems:

  1. I configured autoUpgrade to commit flake lock changes, but it ran as root. This created file permission issues since my user owned my NixOS config.
  2. Even when committing worked, each machine piled up slightly different commits waiting for me to upstream.

I could have fixed issue #1 by changing the owner, but fixing #2 required me to rethink the process. Instead of having each individual machine update their lock file, I realized it would be cleaner to update the lock file upstream first, and then rebuild each server from upstream. Updating the lock file first ensures there’s only one version of history, and that makes it easier to reason about what is installed on each server.

Below is one method of updating the shared lock file before updating each server:

Updating flake.lock with GitHub Actions

The update-flake-lock GitHub Action updates your project’s flake lock file on a schedule. It essentially runs nix flake update --commit-lock-file and then opens a pull request. Add it to your NixOS config repository like this:

# /.github/workflows/main.yml

name: update-dependencies
  workflow_dispatch: # allows manual triggering
    - cron: '0 6 * * *' # daily at 1 am EST/2 am EDT

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: DeterminateSystems/nix-installer-action@v12
      - id: update
        uses: DeterminateSystems/update-flake-lock@v23

Add this step if you want to automatically merge the pull request:

      - name: Merge
        run: gh pr merge --auto "${{ steps.update.outputs.pull-request-number }}" --rebase
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
        if: ${{ steps.update.outputs.pull-request-number != '' }}

Pulling changes & rebuilding

Next, it’s time to configure NixOS to pull changes and rebuild. The configuration below adds two systemd services: = {
  description = "Pulls changes to system config";
  restartIfChanged = false;
  onSuccess = [ "rebuild.service" ];
  startAt = "04:40";
  path = [pkgs.git pkgs.openssh];
  script = ''
    test "$(git branch --show-current)" = "main"
    git pull --ff-only
  serviceConfig = {
    WorkingDirectory = "/etc/nixos";
    User = "user-that-owns-the-repo";
    Type = "oneshot";
}; = {
  description = "Rebuilds and activates system config";
  restartIfChanged = false;
  path = [pkgs.nixos-rebuild pkgs.systemd];
  script = ''
    nixos-rebuild boot
    booted="$(readlink /run/booted-system/{initrd,kernel,kernel-modules})"
    built="$(readlink /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/{initrd,kernel,kernel-modules})"

    if [ "''${booted}" = "''${built}" ]; then
      nixos-rebuild switch
      reboot now
  serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";

There are many possible variations. For example, in my real config I split the pull service into separate fetch and merge services so I can fetch more frequently. You could also replace the GitHub action with a different scheduled script, or change the rebuild service to never (or always!) reboot.